Bauer Immobilien, oder: Faire Immobilienpreise für alle

Climbing construction interest rates and record energy prices mixed with a worrying number of declining orders and crashing insolvencies. The environment for decision-makers in the real estate sector is not getting any easier year after year.
The already strong pressure on this segment, caused by political discussions for example, is further exacerbated in times of crisis. So how can the expertise of a young, but comparatively little-known, medium-sized real estate entrepreneur from Cologne, Florian Bauer (Bauer Immobilien GmbH), be brought to the attention of specialist, regional and top media?
One of the main drivers of the agile, proactive media approach was the identification of key topics. The economic situation of the so-called “B cities” and opportunities for investors, the financial advantages of one-bedroom apartments and the integration of sustainability into the market are significant opportunities.
Addressing these over a continuous period of time in Tier II and Tier I became a success factor in addressing the target group. Here, too, it proved crucial to strike a balance between controversy and credibility when communicating with journalists.

After several years, a healthy, balanced mix of print, online, audio and TV placements has been achieved. The joint success is underpinned by both specialist placements with low wastage as well as publications that increase reach while taking into account a broad-based reader group.
The expertise of the entrepreneur Florian Bauer and the standing of the medium-sized real estate boutique Bauer Immobilien GmbH were thus consolidated enormously. The transformation from a comparatively less present brand to a credible candidate for top-of-mind awareness on the German real estate markets has thus been successful.
88 %Stand-alone article
9.98 Mio.Total visits per placement
60 +Publications in 12 months